Name: reillywaldo1974 Hair Color: Chestnut Age: 31 Status: Divorced City: Central Yukon, Yukon

Down for anything with anyone let together and have some fun. Bed post nude. Be prepared for good dick for a long period of time, multiple rounds.

Hello, i am a 57 yr old married white male that is looking for a fwb I'm down for short or long term please hmu if interested.

I'm an educated and compassionate professional.
Name: zorinedelarme Hair Color: Red Age: 37 Status: Divorced City: Purgitsville, West Virginia

I'm only interested in women, period!

I cannot afford to upgrade to any messaging thing, so if you have a friend... I will like to spend some time getting to know.

I'm a great listener, but deal with sad news with humour, if this floats your boat just message me. I need a girl who can host or doesn't mind car play in my truck or yours. We could also use some friends to just go out with at times.

Russellville, AR adult personals.

Name: robbiverrone1964 Hair Color: Black Age: 36 Status: Divorced City: Outer Nunavut, Nunavut Territory

Being married and playing behind the scenes is not my thing. I am opened minded and very easy to approach. Woman over 60, voluptuous, looking to have some fun whether its just a chat or perhaps something more intimate. Im D/D and just looking to have some fun, among other things ;).
Name: Lazarmccaustland Hair Color: Black Age: 32 Status: Separated City: Sutton, Vermont

Seeking fun times. My standards are high My mind is dirty My morals are questionable My personality is flirty My heart is big My ego is small And if you do not like me just know you have hit me right in my I dont give a fuck. I workout I keep in shape, and I like to change positions a lot. I am i hard working person. I am by no means shy but do not particularly like the pubbing/clubbing culture in this country at the moment.

You can learn so much about the world, where you fit, and who you are.

Name: Lavelleallbritton1967 Hair Color: Auburn Age: 24 Status: Married City: Manitou, Oklahoma

Someone with a sense of humour and no hang ups or bad baggage.
Vaxxed (triple). Yes he knows I'm on this site..
I am a single full time Dad. Im cool just on her looking for a fwb maybe a nsa doesnt really matter tbh just lmk if your interested hmu 7in of fun. Long distance trucker looking for discreet fun.
Name: AZterry147 Hair Color: Auburn Age: 58 Status: Single City: Newark, Delaware

Hey I'm Adam. Drama free person.

Ideally after someone who's after like minded discreet fun. I'm a fun-loving, adventurous individual who is looking to find some companionship...i am a landscape photographer and a small time business man who ends decently. Looking for anyone interested to be honest.

Name: Jokingradio Hair Color: Blonde Age: 35 Status: Single City: Eden, New York

I'm not looking to change anything about my life Northeast currently and certainly not looking for any type of relationship, just a bit of fun, so send me a message only if you think you can handle it hit me up.
Someone who can tolerate me venting a lot lol. Location is between Wolf Creek and Lincoln. Life, health, happiness and staying stress free is very important in my life.
I am in search of a friendship which could lead to becoming a friend with benefits.
Name: grantleyshore Hair Color: Grey Age: 42 Status: No Strings Attached City: Toledo, Ohio

Im really into experimenting and some foreplay, and as long as youre clean my body count isnt 1000 but ill make you feel like you've never felt b4. Definitely a huge fan of cougars lol.
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Hopefully that fills you all in on beautiful imperfect me.